JANUARY 30, 2019



DPROA Interim President Dwight Walker signed an Engagement Contract today with Feldman & Feldman to represent the DPROA in the filing of a lawsuit to reclaim our members Annual Adjustment and Age 55 Benefit Supplement.

The Houston law firm will represent DPROA Full, Affiliate, and Active DROP members (and their survivors) who elect to participate in the lawsuit to reclaim benefits that were stopped or changed by the passage of HB 3158 when it became effective September 1, 2017.

Those active officers and firefighters who are not eligible for DROP membership will also be given an opportunity to join the DPROA’s lawsuit and pay the required legal fee.

Detailed instructions for all potential participants should be available within the next week and will be posted in the MEMBERS ONLY section under announcements on the DPROA website at dproa.org. The announcements will also be posted on the DPROA Facebook page, the Dallas Police Retirees Facebook page, the Undergroundcop Facebook page, and Yahoo DPD Users Group email.

For more information about senior partner David Feldman and his law firm, Feldman & Feldman, CLICK HERE.