The DPROA will hold our General Membership Meeting at the DPA, on March 10, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. During this meeting, all Executive Board Members beginning a new term in office will be taking the oath of office. While the presence of Covid-19 is certainly on a downward trajectory and many of us have received both vaccinations, it still remains a concern for many.
Due to this concern we will follow the same procedures used for our December 2020 General Membership meeting. Please read and follow the procedures listed below.
1. If you feel sick, have tested positive for Covid-19, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 within the past 14 days, please do not attend.
2. We will be limiting our attendance to no more than 40 people (including the 8 members of the Executive Board) so there will be sufficient space for everyone to practice social distancing. In addition, everyone attending must wear a face covering for the duration of the meeting.
3. To ensure we do not have more people attending than we can safely accommodate, please send an email to [email protected] to reserve your seat. The first 32 members requesting reservations will receive a reply email confirming their reservation. Please do not make the trip unless you receive your confirmation.
4. We will be taking temperature readings of all attendees with a non-contact temporal thermometer. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will be asked to leave.
5. Lastly, to reduce the chance of transmitting the virus through contact, we will not be accepting any dues payments during this meeting. Please mail your personal check for dues or use one of the other payment options. (Pension check deduction, electronic bill pay through your bank or Zelle).
If after reviewing our safety protocol you do not feel completely safe, please do not try to attend. I will send out a brief of the meeting to all members via email. Your welfare is our primary concern. Please assist us by following these procedures and I will see you on March 10th.
–David Elliston,
President, DPROA