Hello DPROA Members,

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.  Please allow me just a minute to talk with you about our upcoming DPROA Board Election.  Our current board members have given sacrificially to the establishment of our organization and we all owe them a great debt of gratitude. Now, we need persons willing to take the baton and carry on the mission of our organization.  Our organization is strong and our political clout will continue to grow, but we must have good leadership.   We need to elect a Vice President, Treasurer and Director Place 2.   At this time we have only one person who has committed to run for Vice President.  I ask you to please ask yourself this question.  “If I’m not willing to fight for my benefits, how can I expect others to fight for me?”   Please join me and the remainder of our board in service to the membership of the DPROA.

The deadline for filing for open positions is December 11, 2019, at the close of our General Membership Meeting.  Per the DPROA Constitution, nominations can be made at the meeting as long as the person making the nomination and the candidate are both present.  Candidate Application forms are available on our website under “Elections Info.”  These positions will be open for election on/about February 3, 2020.  The election will take place over a 21-day voting cycle and the winner of each position will take office on  Wednesday,  March  11,  2020,  at the regularly scheduled monthly  General  Membership meeting.

Thank you for your support of the DPROA.